Craft By Zen

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Neuschwanstein Castle

Welcome to Neuschwanstein Castle. This was Day 2 of my travels, and I had read my tour brochure at the last minute. I had meant to do another tour, but I saw a group of people that were going to Neuschwanstein Castle, and I decided, fuck it. I’m going.

Neuschwanstein Castle from a distance
Neuschwanstein Castle from a distance

So I take the regional train near the Alps on the German-Swiss border. Then I travel by bus to the bottom of the castle, and the castle is within view, shown in the first picture.

the gate
the gate
inside the gate
inside the gate

Then, I climb up to the Castle, and I see a magnificent view of the lake, as well as the gate (first two pictures) And then, you can see the castle from many meters away from marienbrüke, or Mary’s Bridge, seen from the third picture.

view from the bridge
view from the bridge
the bridge
the bridge

On my way down, taking an alternate path, I saw these stones stacked that means something about balance. Also, it started raining as I got to the bottom of that mountain, so I immediately got shade, and the after picture was spectacular, shown in the last picture.

stone stacking
stone stacking
after the rain
after the rain

Original Post Part 1
Original Post Part 2

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .