Craft By Zen

πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Hi! This is Jeremy's Craft by Zen

    • 2024 Week 36 - Weekly Notes

      Seasonal Playlists, Margin, Latticework, how to say hello, AlphaProteo, and highlighting Amy Allen.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • 2024 Week 35 - Weekly Notes

      !!Con 2024 recap, DIY Zines, the two-shot, Following Crypto's issues, How Townie was built, Listeria outbreak in Boar's Head, and RFK Jr. being someone's drug dealer. Also, a bunch of book recommendations.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • Newsletter - An Ode to the Seasonal Playlist

      Newsletter - We dive into my decade long habit of creating seasonal music playlists and lament on how music streaming services have made it harder to find and create original mixtapes.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • 2024 Week 34 - Weekly Notes

      The Mike Lynch mystery, follow-ups from Burn Book, FLUX.1, doing the hard work instead of trusting AI, effective changelogs, and asteroid mining seeing the light of day.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • Blockbuster SVG
      Filed: 🚰 Stream
      πŸ”– video   vhs
    • 2024 Week 33 - Weekly Notes

      Bye bye, Chromecast, creating a personal Data Pipeline, heed the warnings of joining AI research, the new AI image generation king - Flux, a map of all bookstores, quitting spotify and starting self-hosting, and RIP Gena Rowlands.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • Enshittification

      Enshittification is when your product degrades over time because the company has spent more time squeezing out of the competition and curbing regulation. The product is gradually becoming less self-service and the employees no longer care about the product better.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
      πŸ”– concept   TIL
    • Personal Data Pipeline

      Josh Cunningham wrote a piece called Imagining a Personal Data Pipeline. I started exploring his project, pdpl-cli, which helps you download your personal data and pipe it out to your desired output. I’ve been thinking extensively about this problem for a number of weeks now since I’ve exported my Google Contacts into Obsidian. However, with the lack of database support, I thought about self hosting it. Enter the Personal Data Pipeline.

      Overview of the data pipeline
      Overview of the data pipeline

      It’s essentially ETL jobs with integrations to third party services to β€œrecipes” that you can write in yaml and customize to your desired outputs. I think this helps a lot more than determining data schemas for specific third party data integrations and having the raw data in a personal data lake. (Or really maybe a document store).

      The idea is to have it local-first and maybe include a sync-thing or cloud syncing as an optional add-on. There’s an emphasis on privacy, although my bigger fear is vendor lock-in. I’ve become so reliant on Google, Apple, and other services that I don’t feel like I own my personal data anymore. Also, as a web developer, the hardest part is grabbing my own data from the sticky hands of these cloud services. Also, this emphasis on files over apps makes a lot more sense to me than the walled garden approach we’ve become accustomed to.

      Filed: 🚰 Stream
    • 2024 Week 32 - Weekly Notes

      Current reading notes on Burn Book and Frostbite. Gallery of concept visualizations, transforming national park maps, how others use AI, doing quests, not goals, Intel’s Immiseration, going back on the high wire, and the first fitbit.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • 2024 Week 31 - Weekly Notes

      Playing with htmx and migrating to the latest version of Ideaverse Pro. Using SQLite in CSV mode, bento slides, quantization visualized, and AI Friend domain sale. Using Little Sis, a photo of Gabriel Medina, Olympics long-term injuries, and welcoming Breaking.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • Newsletter - Summer Ablaze

      Newsletter - We talk about the fires and the heat. I share some website updates with the home page. Then we go over Hushpuppies and consulting. Finally, I give a recap of what I'm currently reading - Frostbite.

      Filed: ✍🏼 Writing
    • 2024 Week 30 - Weekly Notes

      A news break this week. Some old tidbits like the ten commandments of egoless programming, solitude and leadership. Some new things about knowledge management at NASA, visual programming, engaging over showing. Alexa is losing billions, and how large scale order emerges from complex systems.

    • Typst

      Typst is β€œa new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.”

      Screenshot of rendering Fibonacci Sequence using Typst
      Screenshot of rendering Fibonacci Sequence using Typst

      It seems very interesting as an alternative to LaTeX. A lot of emphasis on typesetting. I haven’t gotten the chance to work with LaTeX, so I’d be curious if jumping over that and learning this might be a good alternative. Plus, it has a multiplayer feature built.

      Check out their Github, written in Rust.

      Filed: 🚰 Stream
    • Invididuals' Websites

      These are people whose websites serve as awe and inspiration. There’s something that resonates with me and I want to emulate or remix ideas from their websites. Some people I’ve met IRL, and I love their work. Others I might have met online. And the rest are people I’ve stumbled upon.

      Filed: πŸ’– inspiration
    • Craft By Zen Redesign
      Last updated
      Previous official "Craft By Zen" Website changelog. Officially retired 2024-07-25.

      Originally published

      Filed: 🚒 Playground
    • Beautify JSON
      Last updated
      A tool for beautifying JSON quickly. Updated to include GraphQL queries.

      Originally published

      Filed: 🚒 Playground
Page 1

I'm currently leading application development at Clear Labs.

I write essays on eclectic topics, from programming, cooking, and strange habit of collecting obituaries.

πŸ”– Top 10 Tags

Newsletter Series

I have put back together my newsletter after years of absense! These are primarily updates on my blog, "Craft By Zen", and maybe some highlights to the new articles I've written. There might be some life updates as well. I'm doing away with the old format of weekly longform essays, and trying some new things with my newsletter.

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