Who Am I?

I realized after a few years of this blog that I really made no formal introduction of myself, and for that, I give you a blog post dedicated to who I am.
Hello, my name is Jeremy Wong, and here are a list of things that I do:
- I run this blog, jermspeaks.com, and have since 2008.
- I also contribute (once in a while) to The Documentary Group on Tumblr
- Learn more about the services I use on my about.me page
- Two defunct Tumblr pages I used to run, and may someday abandon: Everything Clint & 1 Album Everyday
- I’m a college student by occupation right now. The future is looking in all directions though, especially in the direction of a Master’s or Ph.D.
- Born and raised in California. Actually, still living in California in the lovely and sunny Central Coast.
- Ran a daily show that really was not that great looking back: The Daily Jerm
- Podcast Reviewer, now defunct. Got tons of traffic though, and still get annoying requests to review podcasts
Here are some upcoming projects I will be working on:
- The Bible: RPG, a game that circles around the biblical story from Genesis to Revelations, and doesn’t skip a beat on every account of rape and pillaging (and will play out as a parody to the Good Book).
- Writing a short webseries about the Happiest Place on Earth, and how it might not actually be that happy (hoping for dishing out six episodes of well produced laughter).
Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .