Craft By Zen

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Life after Deactivation

Iā€™ve deactivated my Facebook Account indefinitely. If someone wants to be a Facebook friend of mine, Iā€™ll gladly be, if you tell me beforehand so I can reactivate it. Deactivation is a quick cheat that doesnā€™t apparently work well though. Iā€™ve recently made a new splash page using I attached my deactivated Facebook account and still, my status updates still were up there, albeit I never really update it.

A little background first. I was on Facebook with the privacy settings jacked up to being as private as possible. Over the past two years, Iā€™ve been lenient about a few things, but after the whole scare earlier this year when Facebook made more information private, or at least new accounts were being put as public profiles, Iā€™ve became more untrusting of Facebook. Donā€™t get me wrong, this isnā€™t the straw that broke the camelā€™s back. This is more of a safety measure of mine. I donā€™t believe too much in the fact that if youā€™ve done nothing wrong, youā€™ve got nothing to hide. Itā€™s that I still have some dignity in my life, and if I want to own my life, I must claim it, not how Facebook can sell it.

Also: I might as well use Tumblr also as a writing journal or some sort from now on. Iā€™ve been posting random things lately, and itā€™s just not fulfilling as a writer.

Original Post

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .