Craft By Zen

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On Enough

Iā€™m not smart enough.
I know those watching me
With vindictive eyes
Are judging my wits.

Iā€™ll stumble on something I donā€™t know
Stuck in an inner maelstrom.
Do I try to figure this out,
Or blame my lack of knowing?

Iā€™m not pretty enough.
My mom told me that.
She believed it,
And it hurt when I believed it

I shy away from woman,
Thinking Iā€™m the beast outside.
But then a compliment.
Am I really ugly?

Iā€™m not rich enough.
I couldnā€™t buy the next must have.
Wishing I owned more
Wondering the price tag of a new life.

Old Joeā€™s living paycheck by paycheck
And Iā€™ve got more.
Would it be crazy
To give him a helping hand?

Iā€™m not social enough.
I put on an armor against being vulnerable
And Iā€™m left to my own devices,
But I canā€™t bare to listen to myself.

Then I wonder why no one will talk to me
Initiate a conversation
Counsel me when I need them the most.
I am alone.

Iā€™m not good enough.
I never was good enough.
This voice inside my head
told me Iā€™m not good enough.

Iā€™m afraid everything given to me
Will be taken away in a heartbeat
And I wouldā€™ve wished I couldā€™ve appreciated it
When I still had it.

Iā€™m not available enough.
Family and friends wonder
If Iā€™ll ever make it out.
I wonder too.

I canā€™t bare to make the time
Because thereā€™s always fires around.
Thereā€™s always drama
And thereā€™s just no way I can move things around.

Iā€™m not fit enough.
My belly is too big,
I run out of energy too soon,
And the gym is intimidating.

How could I muster
Bringing myself on the treadmill?
Exercise wasnā€™t made for me
Iā€™m fat because of genetics.

Iā€™m not happy enough.
All the world is suffering,
So I must also suffer,
Because itā€™s the proper thing to do.

Satisfaction is for losers
Who donā€™t know the doom thatā€™s coming.
Woe is me,
Why canā€™t I just be happy?

Iā€™m not enough.
Given my circumstances,
You can see Iā€™m not enough
You can feel Iā€™m not enough.

Iā€™m told Iā€™m wrong.
How can I believe that
When I canā€™t feel it inside?
Just believe?

Iā€™m enough

I have enough time
To sit and chat with a dear old friend
Reminiscing about the good old days
And talking optimistically about the future.

I created a space
Where people can come in and out of my life
Whom I can be genuine with
And be amiable.

I am happy enough.
Iā€™ve given myself enough time in the day to meditate,
Joke around with the people I work with,
And I donā€™t get angry over the little things.

Iā€™ve made peace with God.
Thereā€™s a spot for spirituality
And for wholeheartedness
And soft-serve.

Iā€™m content enough with my wisdom.
I know thereā€™s so much I will never understand in the world
And I know there will be those who carve a very selective niche
To study those things.

What matters more is the people
You can share your experiences with
And pass down
From one generation to the next.

Iā€™m rich enough.
In fact, I give back most of what I earned.
Because whatā€™s more important than money or things
Are the experiences we have on this Earth.

I am delighted to have the things in my life
That can draw me closer to those I canā€™t see everyday.
But I donā€™t hold on to items like a crutch
Because they are only tools.

Iā€™m healthy enough.
A wise man once said
ā€What the point of being ultra-healthy
When you canā€™t even enjoy the time you have here?ā€

There is no excuse to find time for exercise
When youā€™ve already incorporated it into your life.
Habits are the foundation
To creating a worry-free life.

Iā€™m pretty enough.
I donā€™t need to look like a million dollars
And then some
Because I can stare at myself naked in the mirror.

I feel great in this skin
And all of the blemishes it has.
All those blemishes have stories
That I get to share.

Iā€™m enough.
Iā€™ve surrounded my life with family and friends,
Who all encourage me in my endeavors
And make my life rich.

Enough is the baseline
Not a static comfortable point.
We have accepted who we are
And are not afraid to change.

Iā€™ve writing down what Iā€™m grateful for
My life, my health, my family and friends,
The abundance, the emotions, the creativity
And a chance to share it all with the world.

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .

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