Craft By Zen

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Marathon Acknowledgements

This past Saturday, I finished my first marathon. To add difficulty to my challenge, it was a trail run marathon. I didnā€™t realize this detail when I registered. But coming in faster than expected blew me away. Iā€™d like to acknowledge the people that helped me and try to point out it wasnā€™t a journey done on my own.

Thanks to Megan who started me on a regimented running routine earlier last year. By motivating me to help her running journey by doing couch to 5k, I learned the value in pacing and intervals.

Thanks to Simon for repeated using the phrase, ā€œThe Obstacle is the Way.ā€ I chanted that mantra throughout the run, and it helped my inner game by focusing on the run rather than the finish. Conveniently, I read Ryan Holidayā€™s book by the same name earlier this year. If you want a taste of stoic philosophy, Iā€™d recommend the book.

Thanks to Christin for introducing me to trail running. I found out I get an adrenaline rush running up and down mountains. She also helped pick me up from my half marathon, which I completed earlier this year.

Thanks to Carlos for letting me know about this marathon. He didnā€™t participate, but is egging me on to do the LA marathon next year. I havenā€™t made up my mind about that one yet.

Thanks to Victor for helping me train in Arizona. Nothing can capture those four days of wild and crazy trail runs through different terrain.

Thanks to Teagan for taking me to my marathon. Thanks to my dad for picking me up.

And lastly, thanks to the countless people who have given me support on my journey. I really couldnā€™t have made it without you.

Iā€™m still exhausted and stiff from my run, and I hope to come up with a longer, more cohesive essay next week.

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .

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