Craft By Zen

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On Teamwork

Tonight was the end of my dodgeball season. Here’s a quick list of lessons learned. Some lessons translate to business. Some translate to personal progress.

  1. It’s not about the individual effort, it’s about the team effort.
  2. When you’re the lone dodger out there, you’re team will still be yelling at you.
  3. The captain’s job is guide you, not manage you.
  4. Speak up.
  5. Bug your teammates about strategy.
  6. Ask your teammates who they’re targeting.
  7. Hold back when your teammate’s tell you to.
  8. Go for it when your teammate’s tell you to.
  9. Give it 100%. Don’t half-ass dodging.
  10. Dodge, Dive, Dip, Duck and Dodge.

Stay warm!

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .

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