Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

šŸ“– 2 min read

šŸ”– weeknote

2023 Week 39 - Weekly Notes

Iā€™m back from the very last Strangeloop and from visiting my cousin for her baby shower in Las Vegas. I forgot how it feels to do non-stop traveling back-to-back. Reminds me of the time I traveled across the US, then hopped on a plane to South Korea.

I took this idea of ā€œWeekly Notesā€ from Jamie Tanna who I met at Strangeloop, and I thought this would be a wonderful recurring segment for the blog. Even if I have low readership, this is a nice capsule to look at for my monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews. šŸ˜

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .