Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

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2024 Week 04 - Weekly Notes

The YouTube algorithm said, it’s time to get into Chess, so that’s what I dived into this week. I was introduced to Anna Cramling, whose YouTube videos were really interesting to think about the moves as they were happening real-time.

I remember one of times I visited New York and seeing the Chess Hustlers in action. There’s something fascinating about trash talking while playing a game of chess, like in many other games like Poker or Hockey. There’s also this intellectual pursuit of watching openings, mid-game, and end-game material that’s just a wealth of knowledge, vs. studying tactics, which as a teenager appealed to me.

Anyway, I want to start playing again. What’s your favorite way to play chess, online or offline?

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .