Craft By Zen

Mural of the word Inspire with colorful hexagonal shapes, photographed by Gary Meulemans
Mural of the word Inspire with colorful hexagonal shapes, photographed by Gary Meulemans

📖 2 min read

🔖 website   updates   inspiration

Introducing Inspirations

As part of the curations, I have added an inspirations section.

For the past few years, I’ve kept a note of inspirational websites. These websites include blogs that I continue to follow, creatives showing their talents, and web design that makes me wonder. I remember years ago, Ayush and I would break down websites that made us go, “How did they do that?” and reverse engineer them. It was interesting going into the source code, trying to solve how someone managed to wrangle with CSS to create a pretty infinite scrolling experience.

I wanted to share some of those websites with you. In the inspirations section, I break down which websites I’ve found and share them with you. I am starting with people whose work I admire and ideas within it that I want to remix back to this website.

Sometimes these websites are minimal, and there’s elegance to it. Sometimes, there’s a lot of interactivity and media, and it’s not overwhelming. When I think back to this website, I’m constantly wondering what I could add, and more importantly, remove. It’s a constant battle to strike the right balance in design.

Watch out for more updates to inspirations, including written work, YouTubers, and so much more. There’s overlap with creators, but that’s a deeper dive into an artist’s work. I’m looking forward to updating these inspirations from time to time.

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .