Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

šŸ“– 5 min read

šŸ”– weeknote

2024 Week 22 - Weekly Notes

After a month long break, weā€™re back! The reason for my absence is I got married! šŸ’’

At the altar
At the altar

Itā€™s been one crazy month. Everything leading up to the wedding was a whirlwind. Everything after the wedding has been nice and calm. We spent our honeymoon in Maui, then all of last week after our return, we spent on the couch sick with COVID-19.

This week, weā€™re back. Iā€™m coming back at you all with some links that I found for the entire month. After this update, Iā€™m going to overhaul a few things about the weekly notes.

The goal of a book isnā€™t to get to the last page, itā€™s to expand your thinking.
ā€” Dave Rupert

Everyone is waiting for that one post, that one video, that one podcast fromĀ someoneĀ that explains things is just such a way they can understand.
ā€” Jim Nielsen


Highlighted Videos

One creator I didnā€™t know I was missing from my life was Van Neistat. His philosophy about the spirited man really speaks to me in a way I wish I found earlier. One of his videos surfaced about screws. Itā€™s not a comprehensive look at them more than a practical one. I spent a lot of time with my dad at Home Depot, and screws have always fascinated me on our 3-hour long trips there.

Also from Colin and Samir interviewing Van. On why digital tools donā€™t translate for him. His brain is wired different.

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .