Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Joel Muniz. Image of the United Artists theater in downtown L.A.
Unsplash image from Joel Muniz. Image of the United Artists theater in downtown L.A.

šŸ“– 2 min read

šŸ”– films   reflection

Movies I should have seen - Reflections from 2010

I had a running list of movies that I made years ago, probably around 2010, that I wanted to watch. Iā€™ve updated it a few times. Since then, Iā€™ve moved my watchlist around so many times, I canā€™t find them anymore. Some have been lost to the ethers of the Internetā€™s walled gardens like my old Netflix watch list. Some movies I started but never finished.

Some are top movies, some are recommendations, some are the ones you see on everyoneā€™s lists, but I still havenā€™t made the time to watch them all. And we all know - we will never watch them all. Thereā€™s too much media to consume.

The Original List, by only the ones that I havenā€™t seen

And somehow a TV Show slipped in there. šŸ‘€

Thereā€™s a small subset of these that I started to watch, but never finished. Or in the case of Apollo 13, walked into it midway while roommates were watching it and only saw the second half.

Original list, watched

Iā€™ll be compiling this in a much long, sorted list that I want to make more interactive. This is part one. More to come.

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on , and last updated on .