Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

2024 Week 29 - Weekly Notes

Iā€™m leaving the politics short this week. Itā€™s been a ride for the past 2 to 3 weeks of non-stop politics news that Iā€™d rather turn down the dial for. Itā€™s still there, creaking eerily as it demands its own attention to be gobbled by the monster it has become.

Thereā€™s too much disdain for my tastes about which candidate is better, which one got shot, which one tries to show up for unity and instead tears down the other side like they are vicious animals. And the local news isnā€™t all that much better, with news of affairs.

Instead, I went on a walk today to clear my head. This weekly notes of digesting whatever happened this week has helped me put a macro-lens around this. Even though the chaos of the moment-by-moment playback by social media might take up our eyeballs, I think itā€™s the moments we step away from the screen and think about where we are help us form better opinions.

Around the technosphere

Iā€™m lumping back together all of the technie, AI, and tools for thought links. Itā€™s been too much to create all of these categories, and frankly, when I go back, I can easily search them using my website.

And speaking of website, Iā€™ve reconfigured my main page so the tagline and some other things will be on the sidebar and the main content is front and center. Iā€™ve lumped together the books, streams, writing, projects, and other curations in this manner.

Around the World and back


Viral enough for me

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .