Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

📖 5 min read

🔖 weeknote   order   knowledge_management   leadership

2024 Week 30 - Weekly Notes

Time to build, or else AI Winter is coming. Latent Space on The Winds of AI Winter

This week has been quieter than other weeks. I’ve been doing less reading, fewer news articles, and honing in on more deep reading. I’m still enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3 with my wife. We have not been tuned in to House of the Dragon’s latest season. And somehow I have not been sucked into the spoiler zone either.

Around the technosphere

### Around the World and back

Video of Note

David Perell interviews Harry Dry about copywriting. Harry’s website Marketing Examples is a trove of interesting copywriting to entice your customers.

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .