Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

📖 3 min read

🔖 weeknote   recap   annual   books

2024 Week 50 - Weekly Notes

These are a few of the things that I learned

Tom Whitwell returns with 52 things he learned in 2024.

And adding this internal playbook (as a PDF) at Facebook called the Red Book

And maybe for the first few weeks of 2025? 7 Databases in 7 Weeks for 2025

For more recaps of 2024:

And of course, handhelds.

What’s up, Cal?

I’ve read a good chunk of Cal Newport’s books over the years. He breaks down his own interests in The Tao of Cal

Make Care Packages

I love the idea of creating care packages for friends and family. Christmas shouldn’t be the only time you create gifts for people, so maybe call them care packages instead.

Might I recommend First Bloom’s Care Packages as a starting point?

And on that note, I love themed gifts. Here’s the one my wife and I use

Show me your home library

I came across a video breaking down the largest home library. I wasn’t aware of the Loeb Classical Library, or other collections of the sort. The hoarding mind of mine would love to have a complete set. But who am I kidding. It’s enough I have a good set of Criterion Collection films.

Speaking of books, I have been recommended Nick Milo’s “How to work a book”. Here’s a short write-up of what to expect from the one hour course. Books are for thinking, not reading

Goal Set and Start

Ness Labs - Rethinking Goals: the Science of Nonlinear Goal Setting

A Different Advent

12 Days of OpenAI | OpenAI

Alongside that, some are talking about Google’s new chip. Meet Willow, our state-of-the-art quantum chip

Notre Dame Re-Erected

The New York Times - How Notre-Dame Was Reborn

When is the right time?

I really love the depth Simon Willison goes into details like this where I’ve heard the debate from different angles and how he’s able to consolidate them. Storing times for human events

A different interpretation of time is place. And Ev William’s new start-up wants to conquer lonliness. Mozi: A Place For Your People. See also, The Myth of the Loneliness Epidemic—Asterisk

Maps across time - World History Atlas - This has been an interest of mine to control the timeline and understand a map better. Or any other incident. Scrubbing, as they say.

Changelog Spin-offs

A new era for the Changelog Podcast Universe - three of their shows are getting spin-offs. Sounds like cut backs, but they are re-focusing, and I can totally understand that.

Book - Buy Main Street Millionaire by Codie Sanchez

Podcast - The AIAS Game Maker’s Notebook - for folks wanting interviews with top and indie game makers

Podcasts Guide - The New Yorker’s The Best Podcasts of 2024

Novella - Money Matters: a novella by Naomi Kanakia

Newsletters - NPR’s Stress Less Series

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .