This Week’s Book: “The Life of Pi” by Yann Martel. The main character, Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel, is a fairly religion teenager/young adult whose family owns a zoo. Then there’s a turning point where Pi’s father wants to move to Canada and bring some of the animals with them. When the ship they travel on get’s overturned, Pi survives with a number of animals, including a Bengal Tiger. The journey of this main character is one of looking at the human behavior under extreme conditions. Many books try to accomplish the reader to inflect on oneself and understand something deeper about themselves. This one succeeds at this, and the ride Pi takes us into looking at religion (even though I don’t consider myself religious).
Yes, the movie just came out, but I read it earlier this year. It was so impactful to me spiritually. The last analogy of the animals to humans on the boat just makes me think harder.