Author: Seth Godin
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Presenting a challenge to the traditional concept of the mass market and advocates for embracing individuality and diversity. The digital revolution has made it easier to reach specific groups of people with unique interests, and Godin argues that catering to the mass is no longer a viable strategy.
This week’s book review is relatively new. It’s “We Are All Weird: The Myth of Mass and The End of Compliance” by Seth Godin. It’s relatively short with some marketing concepts that are relevant for any online business. First of all, Godin talks about the model of selling products to the mass, and how the Internet has changed that idea. Now we are all in niche areas where we, as consumers, are being specifically tailored for. The idea of mass is dead, and a new wave of consumerism has come. Godin gives tons of examples and makes his point clear: we are not average, normal, etc. We are all weird, and we like it that way.