Project Description
Remembrance is the final project of Dev Bootcamp Chicago students Simon Gondeck, Francisco Scala, Jeremy Wong and Jonathan Young. It is a web application that enables one to create a memorial for a loved one who has passed on. You can invite friends and family to come together here and share memories, whether they be stories or pictures.
While seemingly simple, the focus was set on UI/UX due to the sensitive nature of our project. Our proudest accomplishment was the use/integration of a state machine into our project to prevent offensive content online spammers from defacing a memorial.We spent a considerable amount of time writing and implementing an algorithm to filter out hurtful/negative comments.
Remembrance was written in Ruby on Rails, Javascript (jQuery), HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PostgreSQL.
We used Codeship for continuous integration, and stressed heavily on TDD; which resulted in a near 100% test coverage.
Further Information
Our project is entirely open source and can be viewed here.