Craft By Zen

Playground  /  Medicaremojo

I wrote a backend for an application that utilizes IBM Watson to pick out topics from an article extractor. I ingested a medicare document to see if it could find the keywords.

Github Project Page

medicaremojo app screenshots
medicaremojo app screenshots

What we’re up to

We’re doing a pilot project for Bay Area soon-to-be-seniors who are enrolling in Medicare. We envision a time when consumers can sign up for Medicare, and know what they’ve signed up for and what is required of them. Everyone should be able to say:

We’ll provide transparency and clarity for the consumer. We’ll be launching in Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Francisco, and Marin counties.

We’re hacking away using IBM Watson APIs on thousands of documents. And when we say “we”, we mean:
