Craft By Zen

Playground  /  Clear Feud

GitHub Repo

I made this as part of a lunch and learn at Clear Labs on how to develop software. Here’s the presentation in website format.


The key concepts we will review:

And a little inspiration…


Before beginning any program, you have to get the parameters. If your program is a block box, define your inputs and outputs (I/O) Consider talking to your customers. You’re building a program for end users. If you are the end customer, define what you want it to be

User Stories and Wireframes

When you have defined requirements, then you can define user stories. User stories define a single user doing a specific task.

As a customer, I can add an item to my cart.

Tangentially, you will want to understand your user by crafting a user persona. This includes specifics about your end users, including demographics. With the user stories defined, you can craft lo-fi mockups, or wireframes


With your requirements defined, your user stories and wireframes determined, you are ready to determine your architecture.

How will you build the system?

Are there major changes to our system?



You construct programs to solve your requirements.

For Clear Feud, it was creating a UI that can play the game.

Git - Version Control

==Demo: IDE==


Validation: Did it work according to your requirements?

Verification: Did you build the right thing?

These forms of testing have low to high costs (in respective order)


There are plenty of services that do each of these. They serve your operational purposes. For Clear Feud, we are using Vercel.

Game Mechanics

There are two teams. Points are awarded to the teams with the right answer. We seeded the questions prior to the game starting.

The website is live, so try it out!

This app was built with Create React App.

Screenshot of the clear feud game
Screenshot of the clear feud game