Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

📖 4 min read

🔖 weeknote

2024 Week 26 - Weekly Notes

I’ve changed the process in how I write these by placing all of the day’s note into this note and curating out the pieces that are clear they won’t make it to these weekly notes. It’s due to the random things we look up on a day-to-day basis that don’t matter on the weekly cadence. And it goes to show how much we leave out once we are done with our curation.

Personal Learning


1% Better

Go Team!


Workouts to tune into

Of Video Interest

Cleo Abrams - Why Can’t Robots Check “I’m Not A Robot”?

Currently Logging

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .