Craft By Zen


Jeremy Wong


As a former medical device engineer turned software engineer, I leverage a unique cross-functional perspective for innovative problem-solving and bridge the gap in collaboration between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Specializing in full-stack JavaScript and TypeScript, my expertise includes front-end development, data visualizations, responsive web design, and UX. This blend of technical prowess and effective communication enables me to create products that are not only technically robust but also intuitive, accessible, inclusive, and delightful for users.

I am currently residing in the Bay Area, California, USA. I’m open to local or remote work.


  • 2018-current
    Clear Labs Senior Lead Application Engineer

    • Experienced team manager engineering empathy with team members, relaying communication with all stakeholders, and reviewing code quality

    • Conducted kaizen and other continuous improvement meetings including brown bags with team members to promote knowledge sharing

    • Clear Dx WGS

      • Built on top of the Clear Safety product to launch a new product, Clear Dx WGS, a comprehensive WGS (Whole Genome Sequencing) platform to accelerate the detection of infectious disease outbreaks
      • Designed, developed, and tested new features on Clear Dx WGS that include rack creation and run reports for SARS-CoV-2 (Clinical and Wastewater), Microbial Surveillance, and other produts.
      • Audited accessibility on our application, outputting VPAT reports, and implemented fixes to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 AAA
      • Patched application with security policies and headers
      • Earned certification in ISO 13485:2016 (QMS)
      • Tech Stack: Same as Clear Safety
    • Clear Safety

      • Joined the team in an application developer role, architecting, designing, and developing the Web Application for Clear Safety, a product for food safety testing using NGS (next-generation sequencing)
      • Managed continuous, quarterly releases including features like smart scheduling, data visualization, and data analysis
      • Assisted in designing and implementing a full design system, modular to create hi-fi screens and quality user experiences for developers
      • Led Scrum ceremonies including sprint planning, backlog grooming, and retrospectives
      • Tech Stack: React, Redux, Styled-Components, d3, GraphQL, Docker, Nginx, GCP, Jest, Cypress, Workbox, Storybook, Kubernetes, git
  • 2014-2018
    Inform Senior Front-end Engineer

    • Digital Media Exchange Dashboard for customers and internal employees for all of Inform’s Services
      • Joined my team in a lead front-end role reviewing design and interactions and developing the UI infrastructure in React
      • Facilitated usability testing to determine weak points of the application to improve in the next development cycle
      • Tech Stack: React, Redux, d3, Node.js, Express Docker, Rancher, AWS
    • WordPress Plugin
      • Developed Inform’s WordPress plugin for customers to embed videos without leaving the WordPress environment
    • Insights Dashboard for publishers to understand their content using Reverb’s services
      • Developed dashboard for Insights using Angular with customized data visualizations using d3
      • Tech Stack: Angular, d3, Node.js, Express, AWS
  • 2014-current

    • FamiliesUSA
      • Developed a choropleth map with interactivity for learning about new Medicare changes
  • 2012-2014
    Lumenous Device Technologies Application Engineer

    • Facilitated job orders from raw material to end product to customer specs
    • Engineered custom tooling and fixtures for manufacturing customer-specific parts
    • Implemented lean manufacturing practices


  • 🚌 2014 - 2014 Dev Bootcamp Web Development

  • 🚌 2008-2012 Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo B.S. Biomedical Engineering


  • 2017 - 2021 Hackbright Academy Mentor and Guest Lecturer
  • 2019 Eat Real Festival Volunteer
  • 2016 Papers Club Event Coordinator
  • 2015 ML Group Event Coordinator
  • 2014 Coding Club Facilitator
  • 2014 HTML5 Developer Conference Volunteer
  • 2012 The Crucible Volunteer
  • 2010 - 2012 QL+ (Quality of Life +) Treasurer
  • 2008 - 2009 Cal Poly Language Opportunities and Outreach for Kids Teacher


  • Craft By Zen Redesign

    • Redesigned my website from a clean slate
    • Migrated content from different websites to a single source
    • Added authoring features using remark and rehype plugins
    • Added an RSS feed, Sitemap, and optimizations for SEO
    • Configured CI/CD through GitHub and Netlify for a staging and production environment
    • Tech Stack: Astro, Tailwind, Svelte, Netlify, GitHub
  • Jeopardy for Clear Labs

    • Developed a Jeopardy game for a Clear Labs meetup event
    • Tech Stack: Svelte, CSS, Vercel
  • Clear Components

    • A work hackathon project to create a component library for the company’s design system.
    • Tech Stack: React, Storybook, Styled Components, Vercel, and GitHub Actions
  • Garbage In Garbage Out

    • Data exploration of inflows and outflows of city trash to other cities. Data from the US Commodities Survey from 2012.
    • Tech Stack: d3
  • Smart Composter

    • Smart composter using IoT Sensors and the Grow-IoT library.
    • Tech Stack: d3 and Polymer
  • Trance HD

    • An AR experience for kids to create digital stories they can share using a common collection of game assets
    • Tech Stack: Unity, Vuforia, and C#
  • Zika VR

    • As part of National Day of Civic Hacking, I helped a team create a virtual reality prototype to enable the public to better learn about the Zika virus
    • Tech Stack: A-Frame and React
  • Medicaremojo

    • An app using IBM Watson to make a better way of sorting through Medicare documentation. Project part of IBM Watson’s 2016 Hackathon challenge.
    • Tech Stack: Node.js, Express, and IBM Watson’s API
  • Pacman with OpenBCI

    • Uses your brain waves to control Pacman.
    • My team’s entry to the Neurogaming Hackathon.
    • Tech Stack: Javascript, WebSockets, Go, and OpenBCI
  • Remembrance

    • Remembrance is my final project for Dev Bootcamp Chicago.
    • The app enables one to create a memorial for a loved one who has passed on. You can invite friends and family to come together here and share memories, whether they be stories or pictures.
    • Tech Stack: Rails, Postgres, and Heroku


  • Jan 14, 2019
    • Hackbright: “System Design and Scalability” Presentation
  • Dec 11, 2017
    • Hackbright: “React 2.0 Workshop”. Presetation, Repo
  • Nov 1, 2017
    • DevBootcamp: “Hands-on React Lunch and Learn”.
  • Nov 23, 2015
    • Interview with David Yerrington’s Livestream


  • Dec 2022: ISO 13845, Quality Management Systems
  • May 2012: EIT. FE, Other Disciplines. NCEES #13-492-19

Active Stack

  • React & Svelte
  • Next.js & Astro
  • Figma
  • Node & Phoenix
  • Postgres
  • Vercel, Netlify, & Github Actions
  • Jest & Cypress

Code / Links

A printable version of my resume can be found here.

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